Changing Rewards
Originally, when we began this project, we started out with children earning different amounts of time (much higher than they are now). Over time, we’ve been looking into user usage data and tweaked these values to 75 minutes for a 100% score, 45 minutes for a 90-99% score, and 30 minutes for an 80-89% score. When tuning rewards for children, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a balance that should be had. Our average time we saw spent on exercises was about 25 minutes and as such, we decided that a 3:1 ratio would be ideal for a perfect score. Too much time given, and it removes the incentive to study. We saw that children would complete an exercise or two and continue on to game the whole day away. On the opposite side of the coin, too little time is disheartening for children. Rewarding too little time saw a huge drop off in user activity as the child no longer had any desire to use their devices.
However, given that users are constantly giving us feedback, a commonly requested feature was the ability to tweak the amount of time that their children were earning. Some parents saw their kindergarteners earning too much time, or their 5th graders earning not enough time. As a result, we’ve decided to put some of the power into your hands.
Within your parent dashboard, you will now be able to find a section called “Reward Time”. Under this section, we’ve added three sliders that are tied to the scores your children get. If you feel like they deserve more or less time for completing their exercises, you can now change them.
These times automatically calculate into the scaling system we have in place – even if your child takes too many math or reading exercises, they’ll still be scaled according to the new times you’ve set down to a minimum of 1 minute.
To access this new feature, visit the log into your parent dashboard at, head to “Account” and look for “Reward time”
If you haven’t gotten Learn It 2 Earn It yet, head over to to get it today!